June 22, 2023
Exploring ImpactView: A conversation with Margot van Hecking Colenbrander

Camila Ugarte
Communications & Marketing Intern
Let’s get to know you!
My name is Margot and I’m the Project Manager for ImpactView. Besides working at ImpactView/WorldStartup, which is my student job, I’m currently doing my Master’s in Materials Science and Engineering at TUDelft. Daily, I explore the world of materials, from ‘how does a beam react to any type of force?’ to more in-depth quantum mechanics, ‘what does an electron do?’ or ‘where do the atoms go?’. I enjoy learning new ways of thinking too, which I can later apply in my job at WorldStartup and see the impact it has in a real-life work experience.

Apart from studying and working, I play professional field hockey. I began playing when I was 9 or 10 years old and now I play in the highest league of The Netherlands, the Hoofdklasse for the first ladies team of HDM. I learned a lot from field hockey, from working in teams to accepting criticism and knowing what you need to improve. It’s not only helped me as an athlete but as a person as well. Playing field hockey is my biggest passion, becoming a better player everyday.
What’s the most important thing you’re working on right now and how are you making it happen?
I’m currently working on the ImpactView Startup site. We have two sections: the investors list and the startup list. I’m focusing on creating a startup model based on the combination of ImpactView’s and WorldStartup’s databases that will allow us to expand within Europe. With the help of a colleague, I’ve made progress on the investors’ list where we’re figuring out how to combine spreadsheets. We’re planning to start expanding in November!
I’m also working on a support programme list that will be published later this August. We will incorporate ecosystems, accelerators, and co-working spaces to the list so startups can easily find these if needed and we can also provide them with extra help other than on the fundraising side.
Tell us more about the function of ImpactView.
The start of ImpactView was pretty simple, there were two lists. One featuring impact-driven startups and the other showcasing impact investors. After the merger with WorldStartup, the goal expanded. Now, we’re using all the data both companies have gathered throughout the years and mixing them to connect with more investors while providing them with a wider range of impactful startups.
What sets us apart is that our main focus lies on impact-driven startups and impact-related topics. ImpactView is a platform tailored to those making a positive difference. Unlike some competitors who deal with all types of startups, we only feature companies, investors and incubator programmes that are impact-driven.
Also, we’re able to showcase specific subcategories upon unique investor preferences. For instance, if an investor is interested in impact-driven startups in the aviation industry, we can scan our database for them and easily display them in a separate list.

Where did the idea of ImpactView come from?
ImpactView was founded by Paul Musters. He found a gap. He began speaking with multiple investors from the startup ecosystem and discovered that they were looking to invest in impact-driven startups. The catch: these investors couldn’t find these startups easily as there existed no readily accessible list with the names of these ventures. That’s where the idea clicked.
How has ImpactView developed over the years?
They published the first list which already included both startups and investors around September 2020, and then I joined in February 2022. Pretty fast I was within the team and began looking for new startups to contact, from that moment onwards our exposure just kept on growing. Our latest release happened this past April. It is clear how more investors and startups are showing interest in receiving the lists. They’re seeing its value and that’s pretty cool!
For instance, when I reached out to startups after joining ImpactView, I didn’t receive many responses. It was normal for them not to engage with me when I checked their LinkedIN profiles. Nowadays, I think half of the people that I reach out to on LinkedIN, respond expressing an interest in learning more about ImpactView. We’re getting much more exposure and now people are realising how handy the list can be!
Why is now the time for ImpactView to exist?
I think the yearning for making an impact and especially in regards to sustainability is so high at the moment. Especially in the growing economy we’re experiencing. We can't go around it anymore. Five years ago ‘sustainability’ wasn't a trending topic and I can see how now, in almost every conversation you have, whether it's about building a product or having a business idea, sustainability is one of the first questions that comes to mind.
Can you highlight one achievement of ImpactView that you are proud of?
There’s not just one big moment, but mainly being told from third parties how meaningful ImpactView can be. When I started, I saw it simply as a spreadsheet. Of course, there was a lot of data in it but I’m not a data analyst, I’m an engineer and I questioned myself “What am I going to do with this much raw data?”
Soon enough, I realised that by looking into possible locations where startups could potentially grow, I was creating opportunities for them through a spreadsheet! Colleagues began coming to me interested in learning more about the list or trying to find ways that I could help them using it. That was very rewarding, I began feeling like an asset to the company.
What are the plans for ImpactView 5 years from now?
Oh that’s a good question! For sure, the expansion into Europe from the startup’s side. On the investor’s side, we’ve already slowly begun. More into the future, our expansion worldwide! We really want to explore potential locations where there is opportunity for startup ecosystems to develop. It would be really cool to have one go-to place in the world that is tailored for impact-driven startups and investors.
What have been both your favourite and least-liked parts of working in ImpactView?
Favourite? Definitely learning about all the startups! I have a background in Industrial Design Engineering, so to see all those crazy ideas and reading how people come up with them is super cool!
Usually, you’ll see me sitting behind my laptop thinking “Oh wow, this is a great idea!” and suddenly, I’m way too deep into the details. At times, I have to remind myself that I need to gather raw data and put it into the spreadsheet, which is my least favourite part. I guess they go hand-in-hand.
Perhaps it’s the athlete in me, but talking to the founders and learning how they came up with the idea is super inspiring! They are such driven individuals, working 24/7 to improve their product. It’s just like in hockey, to succeed you have to want it and be constantly willing to improve.

Curious to know more about ImpactView? Check out it's landing page and enter the world of impact entrepreneurship!
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