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June 3, 2022

A fruitful week: Organising a design sprint for Miro




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Milena Ninova

Innovation Programme & Service Design Manager

WorldStartup is delighted to announce an interaction with the number one online visual collaboration platform “Miro, also known as one of our favourite remote/hybrid facilitation tools.

Try out Miro with a free or with a business account, explore methods and get inspired at the Miroverse. If you need guidance, you can always find support at the Miro Help Center, or for more tailored assistance book a session with WorldStartup and get a hands-on introduction to the tools. We are looking forward to the updates and optimizations coming in the future.

Our innovation team got the opportunity to facilitate a design sprint for one of Miro’s product departments.

Miro & Design SPRINT à la WorldStartup

Miro opted for a full-scale design sprint covering Problem mapping, Ideation, Selection, Storyboarding, Prototyping and Testing.

Of course, we didn’t miss the opportunity to add our signature WorldStartup twist as well:

  • Hybrid and flexible setting (at the beautiful WeWork in Amsterdam and on the Miro board)
  • Diverse methods tailored to the team and tasks (based on Google Ventures methodology plus our WorldStartup methods and proven tactics)
  • Mindfulness & well-being care for fostering a creative mindset
  • Collaborative environment and teambuilding
  • Plenty of energizers and fun tweaks to keep the energy flowing
  • Structured and clear goals and deliverables

Miro team lead:

“First of all, I want to say that Milena is an awesome facilitator and we are having a very fun & productive workshop.”

The Miro team brought amazing proactivity and curiosity to the design table. Their previous experience with design thinking sped up some of the activities. However, it also added a challenging level to the facilitation in order to keep them focused on the present tasks and to ensure that this sprint feels fresh and memorable.

Hear the first-hand impressions of their experience with our WorldStartup programme designer and facilitator - Milena Ninova:

“Awesome vibe, the calming attitude helped!” “The energy was super”, “Structured”, “ Thanks for the energizers” “Loved how -Milena- contributed with insightful questions and lead the whole sprint.”
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What is a sprint?

A sprint is a workshop containing a set of steps utilising methods and tools to reach a very specific goal.

The word sprint was introduced as a type of workshop in the design field in order to highlight the positive effects of having a strict time frame, working (running) side by side with all the team members involved and, most importantly, getting quick results and validating your assumptions with external points of view such as experts and end-users.

Sprints can take anywhere from 2h at an occasion up to a week of sub-sprints with full-time 8h engagement. WorldStartup offers a variety of design, business, community and impact sprints.

Who should do a sprint and when?

Deciding on who should do a sprint and when can be a challenge in itself. Our professionals are open to assisting you in that decision.

Sprints can be run by teams at businesses, NGOs, governmental institutions, startups, educational institutions, informal communities and many, many more. It is all about selecting the right mix of stakeholders to participate or involve in some way into your sprint.

These versatile and proven methods are applicable whenever you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed by a big problem or idea. It is often recommended to perform the majority of the sprints face-to-face, but with today's online tools and global co-creation, anything can be done remotely.

Are you wondering why you should do a sprint?

Having a structured plan that shows you all the necessary steps for achieving your goal can greatly reduce time, investment and effort in the uncertain early stages of tackling a challenge or an idea. Adopting the mindset and activities will help your team build confidence and argumentation, develop creative and decision-making habits in your work, and foster curiosity and empathy for various target groups and stakeholders involved.

Explore our great variety of sprint services, including design, business and finance workshops.

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To get the detailed slide deck and to learn more, reach out to:

Daniël Steginga

Managing Director

Design & Business

Marjan de Jong

Managing Director

Business & Finance

If you want to give it a go on your own, check out our proven roadmapping “Mountain of Tomorrow” method available for free at the Miroverse together with more free templates.

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